Sacred Cows at your Nativity?

The Christmas account in Luke is the most treasured one and the story found there receives the most traditional additions–I call them “sacred cows” suggesting they have become as hallowed as Scripture itself. The first chapter goes into the events preceding the birth of Jesus, but it is the second chapter that is best known—in A Charlie Brown Christmas, for example, the passage was even quoted in full by Linus. I insert the familiar KJV version here.

Luke 2:1-20 (KJV) And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

You may be surprised to discover that several cherished traditions are not in the Luke account:

  1. There is no mention of an innkeeper or any special arrangements or non-arrangements.
  2. There was no indication that they were turned away by a cruel innkeeper or that a last minute act of mercy directed them to a stable.
  3. There is no record of searching through the city and dropping exhausted in a stable. Actually there is no mention of a stable at alljust the manger. There are even traditions that it was in a cave.
  4. There is no indication that the angels hovered up in the sky—they might have been on the ground like when the three appeared to Abraham.[1]
  5. The message was delivered by one angel. It is as though the rest of the heavenly host just couldn’t help themselves and burst out in joy at the news.
  6. There is no mention of a bright star in the field or over the stable—the star was in the magi account in Matthew. There are no angels visible at the manger—they all appeared at the first announcement to the shepherds out in the field.
  7. The shepherds were not commanded to go—they took the hint and made their own decision, “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.”
  8. The shepherds were not guided by a star. There was no mention of a special star over the stable. The treasure hunt for the baby depended on the provided clues—the manger and the swaddling clothes. As the Christmas carol says, Bethlehem was probably a little town, so their search was very likely not difficult. Note that the record only mentions the inn—there must not have been a lot of accommodation choices.
  9. There is no mention of animals around the manger one way or the other—no specific mention of oxen, asses, sheep, cows, camels or any other animal you could choose to mention. No mention one way or the other about a roof over their heads even though it might have been a cool or even cold time of year. One tradition says it was a cave. There is no indication if the manger was fastened in place or portable. One theory has the accommodation as a raised common people-living area with a lower area where the animals were sheltered. All those animals would make an excellent heat source in the cool time of year.

When you come right down to it, Luke left out all sorts of cherished traditional details. After the shepherds had seen the baby, they spread the word all over the town. Then they went back to their sheep and are never heard of again in Scripture, but they were obviously affected by the experience.

So what does revisiting the Christmas Scriptures do for me? It brings up all sorts of warm feelings from my childhood. Do not abandon your traditions. There is no Scripture that commands you to switch to an accurate, stark, unembellished crèche with just the Holy Couple, the baby, and a few shepherds by a manger out in the open. At least don’t go around attacking others’ traditions. Instead, recognize what the writer thought was important—the future significance of the baby who was also the Savior.

[1] As in Genesis 18:1-2 (NET) The LORD appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest time of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing across from him. When he saw them he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.

Re-activating this site to cover all my publishing both for myself and friends

It has been several years since I have paid attention to this site and I finally have time to clean it up and bring it up to date. My own book, Revisiting Scripture, has been reissued in a slightly expanded second edition and I have now published over 40 books, mostly for friends on Prince Edward Island. Since Ingram Spark now provides the same service through the Lightning Source printing process for about $1 per book less cost in small quantities, I have shifted all the books to that interface–it is the same process and the same printing interface. As time allows I will update this site with information on each of the books that have come out.

Back to writing ‘Never the Same Mistake Twice’

I am finally done with Revisiting Scripture and can resume the book about sailing experiences on Prince Edward Island. Rather than waiting to get it all done, I thought I’d share sections as they are finished.

Mistake #___ Missing the Harbour Mouth (2005)

Back in the early days of sailing… when every trip was a novelty… on a beautiful, sunny day, we took some good friends out from the harbour in Wood Islands. There were five of us… myself and my wife, our pastor and his wife, and their teenaged daughter. There was a comfortable wind out of the west… probably in the 10-knot (~10 mph / 17 kph) range although we had no wind speed indicator back then. We sailed out from shore more or less south… sailing at 90° to the wind… called a broad reach. As became my usual Sunday afternoon custom, we sailed out for about an hour, which put us perhaps three miles out when we turned about to head back to the harbour.

There is nothing to compare with a sail in warm weather with a moderate wind, moderate waves, a blue sky with puffy white clouds, and congenial companions. Everything is so quiet compared to a powerboat! The Pastor and I sat on the foredeck and chatted while the wives sat in the cockpit and their daughter managed the tiller. “Just keep it pointed toward the harbour mouth,” were my instructions. We must have gone somewhat downwind on the way out, because the return trip entailed heading… pointing… more into the wind.

Let me digress to explain how wind moves a sailboat. If you have ever stood outside in a strong wind and felt the pressure, that same force is what moves a sailboat. In ancient times, sails were mostly side-to-side and boats blew along mostly in the direction of the wind. However, technology changed with the addition of a keel… a long, flat blade-thing sticking down in the water below the hull… and by fastening a sail diagonally instead of side-to-side. The wind can only push perpendicular to the sail… sideways to the sail it just slides on by. With a sail fastened diagonally to the orientation of the boat the wind produces a diagonal pressure. The keel resists the sideways portion of this diagonal pressure, which is why sailboats lean over to one side so much. The rest of the pressure… the forward pressure… moves the boat forward. Sideways wind producing forward motion! A simple analogy is to imagine squeezing a grapefruit seed between your fingers and having it pop out… a forward motion from two opposing sideways pressures! While my simple description has the boat moving at 90° to the wind, the best sailboats these days can go as close as 25° off the wind. Straight into the wind requires a motor or oars!

Back to our trip… we seemed to be heading for the harbour just fine. However, the closer we got, the more we were ending up east of our destination. To stay aimed at the harbour meant pointing more and more into the wind. I now know we were experiencing the combined effect of the slight sideways slippage of the keel and the whole ocean under us moving to the east… a falling tide, which at its peak near the harbour mouth at Wood Islands moves east at up to 3 knots!

I made two mistakes that day. Mistake #1: the instructions from the time we turned should instead have been to aim for a point more to the west of the destination. Mistake #2: as captain of the vessel, I should have been paying closer attention. By the time the problem became obvious, we would have had to sail directly into the wind to make the harbour mouth.

“No problem,” I said, “I’ll just start the motor and lower the sails, and we can motor directly into the wind and into the harbour.” Usually that is the way I would enter the harbour anyhow, since coming all the way in under sail is difficult to get just right… especially turning at just the precise moment to come alongside the wharf, dropping the sails at that last moment, and having the boat coast to a stop at the wall. My mentor liked to prove he was a ‘real sailor’ in that way, but a beginner can really mess up unless they do it perfectly… and if the wind is wrong there is no second chance.

Now mistakes #1 and #2 revealed ‘mistake’ #3, which came about long before I bought the boat. That day the floor of the cockpit was not just occasionally getting wet… it began to have water ponding on the floor! A ‘self-bailing’ cockpit is really just a flat floor that sits a little above the water level with holes on the sides or back so any water that should happen to get in will run right back out the holes. Water flooding in indicated the level of the floor had dropped and the drain holes were working backwards! By hindsight whoever built this particular boat modified it to have an engine well in the back to hold an outboard motor (probably not in the original design). It was a rectangular ‘box’ with an open bottom… and open top… so the motor could clamp onto the front side of the box just as it would clamp to the transom of any small boat. That day I learned that, given the right wave conditions and weight distribution of passengers, water could come over the top of that ‘box’ and start filling the stern area. As that area started to fill, the overall buoyancy decreased, making the boat ride lower and allowing even more water to surge in with each wave. “Oh, yeah, we did have that trouble once or twice,” the previous captain later told me.

As I took the cover off the motor well to start the outboard, I saw all that water and panicked. The gas can was floating upside down and I feared water had gotten into the gas. By hindsight I think turning the can over would have worked because in an upside-down can the gas pickup is not down in the gas. I started the motor but it soon stopped. I now know the separate outer hulls on that trimaran will always keep it from sinking, but at the time, we seemed powerless and in danger, stranded just east of the harbour mouth within shouting distance of the lighthouse. The water was shallow, so I dropped the sails, threw out the anchor, and radioed for help! Fortunately, the Wood Islands Ferry was right in the harbour, picked up my signal, and dispatched one of their motorized lifeboats to come out and tow us in. They did not charge us anything, but they must have been laughing about it for days. It was certainly a memorable trip, but I could never talk our friends into coming out again.

Never the same mistake twice: First, for my short out-and-back trips I never start out going downwind. Whatever the initial direction of the wind and anticipated direction of the tidal current, I make sure the outward trip will position the boat so the return trip can go with the tide and 90° to the wind. Occasionally over the two-hour trips, the wind will shift or die down, so the motor does come into play.

Secondly, I never give over paying attention to what is happening even if I am not at the tiller.

Thirdly, I made a technical mistake in using the radio… having not yet taken a marine radio course, I called “Mayday” like you see in all the old movies, whereas I should have called “Pan, pan,” which are the internationally agreed upon (French?) words to use when there is no immediate danger to life or property. A half-day radio course in Charlottetown remedied this and provided a radio operator’s license, but there is so little traffic or radio traffic in my area, it was no problem.

engine well redesign
engine well redesign

It would have been contrary to my entire philosophy of sailing to allow the engine-well design flaw to remain! As shown in the diagram above, within a few weeks I sealed off the stern area at the top of the engine well with a carefully-fitted sheet of plywood so any water that might wash in through the well now runs right back out. I epoxy coated the plywood sheet like all the rest of the boat so the wood would not rot and sealed the edges with fibreglass tape. Before sealing off the new inside deck, I filled the hollow area with plastic milk bottles and expanding foam in case there might someday be a leak. By hindsight, I should not have used house-insulating foam because it is open-cell and can take on and retain water, but there has been no evidence of trouble. For a year or two, the 5-gallon gas can resided on the new platform until eventually a later modification replaced it with an 11-gallon polypropylene below-deck gas tank. Never again would an inverted gas can disable the motor!

Little Red Marble children’s book published

Terry Kerr and Nancy Perkins have just completed their joint effort to produce a 30-page children’s book about a marble that is loved by a small girl, but lost in the sea by her brother, the owner. When she is a grandmother, the marble is found washed up on the shore of Prince Edward Island as a piece of sea glass.

Revisiting Scripture now in paper

New Print Version

After 4 years of work, the entire collection of Revisiting Scripture material is available from Amazon. It is about 390 pages of dense material with all the relevant Scripture passages included in context. At least 65 different Scripture-related questions are addressed in detail so you can come to your own conclusion about what Scripture says on each question. The book includes an extensive index plus an index of all the Scripture passages included in the book. The book is also available in the UK from Amazon. For those on Prince Edward Island the book can be obtained from me directly… contact me at

New Writers Guild Book Released

The Montague Library Writers Guild has just finished their third collection of Prince Edward Island anecdotes and poems. With SIXTEEN contributors this time it is almost 180 pages in full colour. The content is totally focussed on either early life of the authors or their current experiences and joys.

The book may be obtained from the authors (for $15) or online at Amazon.VOICES book cover

In the water 2013

I apologise for the long lapse in posting…vacation, a wedding and a family visit took precedence. 

IMG_0964And then there was all the time spent fixing things. It turned out the trailer bearings were shot because I had not cleaned and re-greased them. Finding bearings and grease seal for what was a Dodge Caravan axle took most of an afternoon and then my friend Graham in Brooklyn (PEI) had to use his special tricks to get the outer race out of the hub.

And the outboard motor wouldn’t draw cooling water. With the “muffs” supplying water nothing came out of the telltale, even when revved up. After using up a day on that, I brought it to Graham and he replaced the impeller…a tiny bit of rubber that resides down near the bottom of the shaft and it terribly inaccessible. It was good to have my nephew, Nate, visiting to help with the lifting.

And he helped with the launching. I managed to find a no-traffic time on the road to the harbor, and all went well. We got the mast raised with difficulty…the wind was rising…and tied it up for the night, expecting to tighten turnbuckles and making adjustments on the new stays to the stern.

Unfortunately overnight the turnbuckles worked loose and the mast dropped forward onto the shore…the boat was in a corner. The mast did not snap but the radar reflector was shaken up and the anchor light was lost. I was able to unbolt the mast and, with help, get it on the shore. Yesterday I trailered it home for repair. Since the spindles for climbing are failing…I turned pin cherry and poplar brush for the dowels and they do not hold up despite bing dry and coated in epoxy. Now I will replace them with commercial oak dowels. And replace the antenna coax cable and make the top modular so it can be brought in in the winter…and not be a temptation to nesting birds in the spring.IMG_0963

Needless to say, this all takes time and is delaying my sail around PEI, but I still aim to complete it by Fall.

VHF radios have changed!

SH eclipse radio[I apologise for the long delay in posting…a month-long vacation and an incredible load of projects got in the way, but now it is time to seriously prepare the boat for launch]

I finally got my new Standard Horizon VHF radio installed and I am impressed. I gave up having the loud hailer feature, but the features relative to DSC (Digital Selective Calling…the emergency feature that broadcasts your distress and location with the push of a single button…are significantly increased. Now I can wire it up to the GPS and know the coordinates have gotten through to the radio…they are shown right on the display. Also, although I have not tried it, it is possible to do a DSC test to another DSC-equipped radio without having to call for a true emergency broadcast.

When I think back to the radio and depth sounder that came with the boat almost 10 years ago (which both dated back far before that), I think buying new is a far better idea with most electronics. Yes, in an emergency a lead line could give depth and a sextant could give position, but I hope to never be out of sight of land in my sailing.

Loman’s second sailing book

northern lights
northern lights

It is almost done and the pictures are again awesome. He paints them himself…acrylic on hardboard, I think…and then adds story to create a hypothetical journey reminiscent of the mid 1800s.

colorful sky
colorful sky

I’ll have more to say when it is all done, but I thought I would show you a few of his pictures now.

Old Glory Faces the Hurricane
Old Glory Faces the Hurricane


I have often said that the most enjoyable part of writing is not getting the material down the first time, but the editing, revising, and reorganizing after that.

Now that the sailing book is about half done, I am having second thoughts about the organization of all the information. My initial plan was to make each chapter be a year, subdivided into sections about the planned changes and repairs, the summer sailing activities, and the autumn review for the next year. As appropriate there were to be small call-outs on individual topics… instrumentation… painting… anchoring… rules of the road… heat…refrigeration… electric supply… running lights.

But now I’m leaning toward fully discussing each technical topic in its own chapter such as dinghies, navigation, epoxy work, mast building, trailering. Then all the discussion would be in one place as well as the wisdom gleaned over a decade grouped by topic. To satisfy the chronological record urge, I could include an outline-format listing of the modifications of each year, with links to the appropriate chapters.

A separate year-by-year section could include the descriptions of the sailing trips made, but that section would be free of the distraction of technical digressions. The result would be a technical part and a sailing part.

Then again, I could group things by mistakes, in keeping with the title of “Never The Same Mistake Twice”. Perhaps I could simply lead into each technical section with the ‘mistake’ that started the modification.

So after discussing this with myself for about 20 minutes, here is a general outline:

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Sailing trips (by year)
  • 3. Modifications and Technical topics
    • Head/toilet
    • Water systems
    • Storage
    • Heat & ventilation
    • Hand grips
    • Lifelines
    • Navigation…compass, charts, dividers, magnetic vs true north
    • Depth Sounding…fishfinders… use of sounding lines
    • Knotmeter…timing of a float’s travel
    • GPS/ chart plotter
    • Radio/antenna
    • Navigation/ cabin lights
    • Refrigeration
    • Bunks & cushions
    • Bilge pump
    • outboard motor… remote controls… ventilation… fuel tank
    • dinghy… inflatable vs hard… davits… stitch & glue construction… seating
    • anchors and moorings
    • severe weather… steering to avoid broach… serial drogue
    • on-deck lighting
    • trailering
    • mast…lowering & raising…design…access to top
    • radar & radar reflector… design of reflector
  • 4. projects and mistakes listed by year

[Note: In mid June I sought input on the reorganization of the book and ALL the inputs from my writing group said they would prefer a mixed-together chronological organization where the topics are covered in inserted boxes rather than in a separate section. So I bow to the readership and retain the original organization.]

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