Loman Bell

Loman has published five books.

House of Angels
(ISBN 978-0-9783995-2-8)
In his first book, Loman recounts several experiences in his own life where he sensed the protection and intervention of angels. The accounts are interspersed with some of his poems and his autobiographical account of growing up on Prince Edward Island, attending Bible College, travel across canada with his guitar (and not much else), and his eventual settling back home. This will take you to Amazon for more information: House of Angels


Facing the Future
(ISBN 978-0-9866065-1-9)
His second published book (he says he has several inside him that are under development) is a collection of over 140 of his poems and songs which cover a range of topics from experiences and struggles of life to the joys of a childhood Christmas, to poems expressing his faith and hope in God/Jesus. Here is a link to Amazon where you can find more information: Facing the Future


Old Glory: Sailing Home
(ISBN: 978-0-9866065-8-8)
Loman created a series of children’s books abut an old-time wooden sailing ship, Old Glory. The stories describe in poetry various experiences of his fictitious ship especially enhanced by his vividly painted illustrations. The books have full colour interiors and glossy covers. The first is available from Amazon (and from Loman directly).

Old Glory Faces the Hurricane.
(ISBN: 978-0-9918033-2-3)
In the vivid colors of his own acrylic painted illustrations, Loman Bell tells the second story of his Old Glory series. We follow the ship as it departs from its home harbor on Prince Edward Island, Canada and undertakes a long voyage in the tradition of the wooden sailing ships of the 1800s. As the ship braves fierce winds as well as severe cold, we can imagine some of the hardships sailors endured back then…only this voyage ends well!





Old Glory in a Typhoon
(ISBN: 978-0-9918033-9-2)
This third book in Loman Bell’s OLD GLORY series continues the journeys with his bold, hand painted illustrations and simple poetic text. It is a highly colorful fictional description of a square-rigged sailing ship of a previous century making a trip to exotic places around the world intended for children, although the illustrations are fascinating in their own right.

Loman’s web page is at: http://loman-angelsalive.blogspot.ca/